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Shotover and Contour, taking engineering to new heights

The high-performance camera systems from Shotover are truly world-leading. The precision parts that Contour produce for them are part of the puzzle. Together, the two companies produce camera systems and UAVs that leave their competitors in…

Our Constant Pursuit for Delivering On Time and Zero Defects

We work with some of the most innovative companies in New Zealand. This, of course, demands highly competitive manufacturing capabilities to realise the potential and opportunities for our clients. In order for us to succeed in the rapidly evolving…

Should You Dual Source or Single Source?

We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket.” Common assumptions are that there is a lower cost with a single source manufacturer, due to you leveraging your volume but less risk with dual sourcing products due…

Manufacturing: The Little BIG Things

At Contour Engineering we are in pursuit of manufacturing quality products and components "On Time, Every Time". Most of our clients are in the high innovation, high tech industries where quality is not negotiable. The other factor in this pusuit…

Manufacturing and Global Competitiveness

To be Globally Competitive you Need to Dominate Locally The Role of Manufacturing in Achieving Success Recently we had the privilege to be invited to the launch of the Team NZ Americas’ cup challenge where the new race boat…

Can You Eat Off The Floor?

If you think about world class precision manufacturing facilities, what image comes to mind? Is it a dark, dirty workshop in the back of a warehouse? A room full of greasy overall-wearing men? I doubt it. Usually, the sorts of images associated…

Ensuring Your Reputation Stands the Test of Time

“Glass, China, and Reputation, are easily cracked, and never well mended,” legendary US inventor and thinker Benjamin Franklin, once said. To us at Contour Engineering, this concept of reputation is at the heart of building a high-performing…
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Contour – Taking Precision to New Heights

THE PROMISE: 'On time Zero defects'. In the field of precision engineering and hi-tech manufacturing, there are many out there that are easily able to say the words, ‘on time with zero defects’; fewer follow through. Those that dare to…